Monday, 10 February 2025



"Emotions are part of me - I am no longer afraid!"

Trauma isolates and interrupts communication. Not surprisingly, often sharing and finding words to communicate is what helps healing and helps provide a sense of what happened, beyond words (Herman, 1997).

            The project aims to improve the understanding of emotions, the relationship between emotions and the body, and to increase the capacity of verbal expression thereof, using methods of evaluation and emotional therapy (group therapy sessions, body work sessions, hipotherapy sessions and educational counseling) in order to develop a greater capacity for self-regulation and processing of the non-integrated psychotraumatic material.

 The target group consists of 2 groups of children, the first group consisting of 10 children aged 10-14 and the second group of 10 teenagers aged 14-18;

 Period: December 2016 - August 2017

 The project was supported by the Community Foundation and MOL Romania MOL Program for Children's Health, whom we thank!

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Modern approaches of complex trauma in children and adolescents

             The Romanian Association for Study and  Intervention in Trauma announces its entry into the last phase of the project "Teach me to understand how I feel and the chaos remains behind me." The program has targeted the evaluation and therapy of 15 institutionalized children with a history of early interpersonal trauma-related disorders.

             The therapies used had an innovative character for Romania, being applied the neurosequential model of therapeutics (NMT) and EMDR techniques (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), as well as psychoeduactional materials of Child Trauma Academy programs (Prof. Dr. Bruce Perry).

              The project was realized with financial support of the Foundation for Community and MOL Romania, through the "MOL to children's health program", to whom we say thank you!



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Help me understand how I feel and leave the chaos behind!

Early trauma of interpersonal nature have a negative effect on the organization of the pervasive brain structures and their functionality (M. Teicher, MD, PhD). Diagnosed in childhood under the umbrella of emotional disorders, they become the source of severe pathologies in teen and adult life: structuring of disharmonic personality (BPD), addictions, delinquency, eating disorders, psychosomatic disorders, dissociative disorders, depressive disorders that are rebel to treatment.

The correct diagnosis of developmental traumatic disorder and development of targeted therapeutic protocols will lead to reorganization of dysfunctional networks and a chance for a healthy life (see references at the National Child Traumatic Stress Network).

The project proposes the use of modern methods of evaluation (NMT- neurosecvential model of therapeutics) and emotional therapy (EMDR therapy and somatic Focus Attachment therapy) combined with support group using expressive arts techniques.


            Target group:

- psychiatric groups: children with emotional disorders, developmental trauma disorder

- The age composition: 2 lots (10 school children aged 5-11 years and a group of five teenagers aged 14-18 years);

Period: December 2015 - August 2016

The project has been supported by  The Community Foundation and MOL Romania, during the program "Children's health MOL Program"


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1. Campaign 2% of income tax
Please fill out Form 230 and send it by post to the Public Finance Administration you belong.


2. Diverting 20% of your company's tax
3. Donations by bank transfer
ARSIT - Romanian Association for the Study and Intervention in Trauma
CIF: 32751308
Banca Transilvania, Branch Timisoara

For EURO donations:



On behalf of all the beneficiaries of our association, thank you!



Contact US

Romanian Association for the Study and Intervention in Trauma
Tel: 0752 394 156, Anca Sabau MD

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