Monday, 10 February 2025

Using the metaphoric and symbolic language of colour to work with trauma

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The Romanian Association for Study and Intervention in Trauma, in collaboration with Colour for Life, is organising on 3-5th february 2017, the workshop “Using the metaphoric and symbolic language of colour to work with trauma”

Mark Wentworth is founder and president of Colour for Life, a school of therapy that uses the color therapy method that integrates the world's collective view of C. G. Jung and the deep memory of Dr. Roger Woolger (DMP).

In the 90s, Mark was one of the first ones to organize workshops in which he combined color therapy with body work and expressive art techniques of psychodrama, offering color, not just a voice, but also a story and action.

      Price: 150 RON before 20th January

    200 RON after 20th January

For groups larger than 4 persons, there is a discount, 100 RON/participant


Location: CJRAE (Piata Iancu Huniade nr. 3, in the Emanuil Ungureanu highschool building)

Program: Friday: 17:00 - 19:00

Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00

Sunday: 9:00 - 12:00

For registrations, please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Romanian Association for the Study and Intervention in Trauma
Tel: 0752 394 156, Anca Sabau MD

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