Romanian Association for the Study and Intervention in Trauma ( ) invites you to take part in the third workshop held by prof. univ. dr. Eli Somer, from Israel: (;
European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD) in partnership with Romanian Association for the Study and Intervention in Trauma (ARSIT) invites you to take part in the first module, of the two modules, which is a pilot event training in basic knowledge of trauma:
„Basic Training in Trauma – part I".
held by Anabel Gonzales Vazquez, PhD (Spania) – psychiatrist, researcher and trainer.
European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD) in partnership with Romanian Association for the Study and Intervention in Trauma (ARSIT) invites you to take part in the second module, in the pilot event training in basic knowledge of trauma:
„Basic Training in Trauma – part II". held by Giovanni Tagliavini (Italia) – psychiatrist and psychotherapist.
Romanian Association for the Study and Intervention in Trauma ( invites you to attend the workshop:
„Identity issues in patients with complex trauma and dissociative disorders". held by Ellen K.K. Jepsen MD, Phd, psychiatrist and psychotherapist at Modum Bad Psychiatric Clinic, Norway.
EMDR Europe in collaboration with EMDR Italia and ARSIT (Asociația Română pentru Studiu și Intervenție în Traumă) are organizing for the first time in Timisoara EMDR training.
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1. Campaign 2% of income tax
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3. Donations by bank transfer
ARSIT - Romanian Association for the Study and Intervention in Trauma
CIF: 32751308
Banca Transilvania, Branch Timisoara
For EURO donations:
On behalf of all the beneficiaries of our association, thank you!
Romanian Association for the Study and Intervention in Trauma
Tel: 0752 394 156, Anca Sabau MD