Workshop Dolores Mosquera
* The early bird registration deadline is extended until 31.12.2020! *
Workshop Dolores Mosquera
Working with suicidality and self harm
30-31 January 2021
Online (zoom) 10 - 14
Dolores Mosquera is a psychologist and psychotherapist specialized in severe and complex trauma, personality disorders and dissociation. She is an accredited EMDR Europe trainer and supervisor, has extensive teaching experience leading seminars, workshops and lectures internationally.
Dolores is the director of the Institute for the Study of Trauma and Personality Disorders (INTRA-TP) in A Coruña, Spain.
The workshop will be conducted exclusively in English. Romanian translation will not be provided.
Participation fee:
Early Bird: 01.12.2020 - 20.12.2020 450 lei for EMDR Romania or ESTD members 550 lei for people who are non-members |
Regular price: 21.12.2020 - 10.01.2021 600 lei for EMDR Romania or ESTD members 700 lei for non-member |
Bank account: IBAN: RO17BTRLRONCRT0341638201 Romanian Society of EMDR,
CIF 35258178
Fees for participants from abrod
Early Bird:100 €; Regular price: 130 €
In case of withdrawal after 10.01.2021, a fee of 50 lei will be withheld, the rest of the amount collected will be refunded.
For registrations, please send an email to the email address: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. and complete the registration form
When the registrations are stopped, the registration form becomes inactive!